
“Is she always this demanding,” Luke joked, his demeanor slightly changing. In Chinese, there’s a saying that some men are like golden retrievers: wide-eyed, sweet, and a little shy, and some men are like wolves or huskies, aggressive, hypermasculine, and rough. Luke’s sunshine-colored demeanor was gone. I’d been with younger men before, but I’d never been with one who was now in the same room as an older man – maybe there was a sense of competition? Or a desire to “live up” to some standard of performance? Whatever, I don’t need to understand men to love them. 

“It’s my first time with her, too, so I guess we’ll both find out,” Lee stood against the edge of the bed, his left hand firmly grasping my cheeks. “Isn’t that right, Jun?” Part of my fantasy was having a younger guy warm me up, get my domme streak out, and then be put in my place by an older guy. 

Lee put his arm around Luke’s shoulder and grinned. “Don’t worry, just follow my lead,” his eyes now locked with mine, his hands twisting my nipples. “She just wants to be the center of attention, huh,” Luke said from between my thighs, his tongue flicking against my clit – one man had his hand around my throat, and the other was pulling my lower half into the mattress.

Lee held my mouth open with both thumbs firmly lodged inside my cheeks, and told me to time my breathing as his cock slid down my throat—simultaneously, Luke’s tongue flicked in and out of my pussy, just enough so his fingers could start loosening me up. “Relax, Jun…you’re being such a good girl,” Lee cooed, stretching my mouth even wider. “Who do you want to fuck you first? Luke or me? Tell me. Otherwise, we’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing now…but we’re here to make that slutty little fantasy of yours come true.” 

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TeaserJun Aimei 君爱美