Create a writing practice in community.

womens writers group

I am seeking community and I have a feeling you are, too.

AURORE has always been about community, even if the writing of real erotica is a solitary act, I have witnessed over and over that it’s when we join forces that we feel most empowered and inspired to write, heal, and breakdown notions of shame and fear.

After running the Slutty Writer’s Society for 8 pop-up sessions last year, I’ve decided to create a Society Membership for those who want more commitment, consistency, and community (I wasn’t trying to do alliteration here, those are just the best words to describe!)

◆Develop a consistent writing ritual.

◆Make friends with internet strangers in a supportive group setting.

◆Get encouragement to keep writing and gentle feedback.

◆Find your community of sex positive writers.

We will meet the first Monday of every month, 8-9pm EST, beginning April 7, 2025 with our last meeting of the year, December 1, 2025. Those who join the membership will also gain access to a peer editing space, in which you can share your writing for feedback, provide notes for others, share inspiration, writing blocks, and more. Society Membership will provide a deeper connection for those who make the commitment.

Attending one off sessions will still be an option! But if you want to officially commit to your writing practice and join a group of encouraging writers to both support and hold you accountable, the membership is for you!

WRITER’S SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP I’m excited about the depths and heights we will get to together. xxx


We will breathe together, move our bodies together, and write together on topics spanning sex to relationships to body-image to fantasy and beyond. Expect self-reflective prompts and mini writing lessons. There will be opportunities to share your work aloud in each meeting, but Society Members will have access to a peer editing space ongoing for additional feedback and inspiration.


The writing group is virtual, we meet on Zoom. I will send the writing prompts we work on by email the following day so you have them for keeps!


Carly, the creator of AURORE, editor of your dreams, deadline domme, or your gentle writing guide, is the host of Writer’s Society.

Everyone is welcome to join with the reminder that this is a woman/queer centered space, so if you’re not either, you have an immense opportunity to listen and learn.


Writer’s Society will meet monthly, the first Monday of each month, 8-9pm EST. In between sessions, Society Members will have access to a peer editing doc in which they can share and review writing, share inspiration, and work through blocks.


$180 to join the Society Membership ($20 per session, including peer review space access). Individual writer’s society sessions will be available for $25 each (link below).

Writer’s Society is for you if:

◆You want to explore creative writing in a group setting

◆You want to develop your writing practice

◆You want to feel more confident and supported in your sexuality

◆You want to get in touch with your desires and learn how to better communicate them

◆You have memories or fantasies you want to further explore

◆You want to feel empowered to discuss and share your intimate experiences

◆You want guidance on writing and healing in an open, supportive environment

What to expect:

◆Writing prompts that will challenge you to write outside the “box”

◆A supportive community and gentle writing accountability

◆A chance to focus on yourself, breathe deeply, and connect to your pleasure

TESTIMONIALS from past writing workshops:

“I loved Carly as a facilitator—she is so supportive and responsive to everyones inputs + even her tone of voice is grounding and fits with the sensual vibe.”

“I learned that feeling better about my body could come from expression/tapping into sexuality, rather than the other way around.”

“It feels good to turn off phone and be like - this time is for me. For me only and phone is off.”

“I learned to love my body in a different / changed way. To look at my flings, potential dates etc. differently. As if I have some secret power they don’t know about? My own sexy power they can’t touch.”

“My Dom knows I'm doing this workshop and puts me in "writing time" for a couple hours afterward so I can continue to have quiet, sacred space for more writing.”

“I appreciated the prompts in this workshop. Made me realize that I can practice writing through short prompts, to get the muscle going - it doesn’t have to be ‘I’m writing my full short story / novel / essay right now.’”

“I am absolutely enthralled with the new found routine writing practice this workshops created for me. I've never written any sort of long form story and as sad as I am this workshop’s ending, I'm so excited to have it's spirit continue.”

“I feel an overall and new found confidence in my sexuality & I think my partners would agree it's shaping me into a better lover (this part I wasn't expecting but am pleasantly surprised by).”

“I have been able to open myself up to creativity in new and exciting ways! Witnessing y'alls art has been amazing and so inspiring, releasing myself from pressure of being soooo new to writing has allowed me to show myself a lot of grace.”

“My intention was to connect more with my husband (and others) and I feel very much like that has happened.”

“I think I really wanted to hear about other people's thoughts and experiences. To me, writing (and all art really) is about connection. The prompts forced me in the best way to write and reflect on my own relationship with my body.”

“I’ve been working through the deepest heartbreak of my life, and through it a second dark night of the soul, and really learning to love myself in so many new and deep ways. So painful, but admittedly needed. I know it’s not the end for us in this lifetime. This workshop has been so therapeutic for me; thank you all so much.”

“Amen, also reinventing after a break-up. This has been healing for me, too.”



What if I’ve never written before?

You do not need to be a “writer”! This space will accommodate writers of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

What if I’m not slutty?

Darling, slutty is a state of mind. Just be sex-positive (meaning non-judgemental and open)

Do I have to share my writing/share anything?

Absolutely not, though it is a rewarding aspect of this group space. You will share when and if you’re ready. For fearful sharers, the Society Membership allows sharing writing without having to read aloud in the group.

Can I join the group if I’m a cisgendered hetero man?

Yes! Join us. This is a woman and LGBTQ+ centered space so please be respectful of that—you can learn so much here.

What if I missed the first group meetings?

Each one is fresh and new and there is no prior attendance required. But repeat sessions have been known to improve mind/body/soul satisfaction.

What if I can’t afford to join the Society Membership but I want to commit to the 9 month program?

Get in touch with me for payment plan options. Community is so needed, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. xxx