*writing spicy thoughts*

Level up your writing practice + pleasure

(yes! both at the same time)

I believe writing erotica is like therapy. It helps you shape words to your sensations, it makes you better at articulating your desires, and it leads to more in-depth fantasies. It’s also really fun.

The writing workshops I offer are my way of reaching as many people as possible, to share the healing and sensuality of this type of writing. With this digital workshop, you can create your own spicy ritual.

Beyond becoming a better writer, the act of crafting real erotic stories helps you:

🖤 Become a better lover

🖤 Communicate clearly in the bedroom

🖤 Identify your turn ons

🖤 Relate better to your lovers

🖤 Rewrite past encounters to change the narrative

🖤 Send amazing sexts!

I only offer the GET TURNED ON: erotic writing workshop once per year which is hardly enough, so I created a digital workshop which you can complete at your own pace by using pre-recorded sessions and workbooks. The price for the live workshop is $199, but I am offering this self-paced alternative at only $89.

What You Will Find In This 4 Part Offer:

Session 1

  • Creating your writing altar and overview of AURORE

  • Guided Breathing & Meditation

  • Intention setting

  • A writing exercise inspired by Susan Sontag

  • How to avoid cliche in your writing

  • a bell hooks excerpt

  • Identifying the power of your story

Session 2

  • Discussion of Audre Lorde uses of the erotic

  • How to start your story/examples of powerful first lines

  • Writing from a place of gentle intimacy AND fierce arousal

  • A guide to naming body parts and using words that empower

  • Visualization to explore your memories and fantasies

Session 3

  • Anais Nin quote share

  • Character building exercises

  • Exploring your intimacy blocks

  • Writing lovingly in detail about your characters

  • Spicy homework!

Session 4

  • Reflection on wins/learnings

  • A spicy trip to the dentist

  • Show vs Tell exercises

  • Visualization

  • How to end your story

New!! Added Slutty Stretching & Sensual Movement guided video

  • Connect to your body through self touch

  • Subvert the everyday by sluttifying stretching

  • Open your hips and feel empowered to move in a confident way

  • Prep the body for intimacy

I believe this kind of writing should be accessible to all and that putting more spicy writing into the world builds educational and inspirational sexy resources for everyone.

I’m Carly, the creator behind AURORE. I started this space because I was craving a space to refocus on positive sexual experiences; I wanted to drown out the negativity of politics, sex tips for the unenlightened, too-cool-to care manifestos and get closer to the heart of pleasure and intimacy through memorializing my best encounters.

Since I launched the site I’ve collected over 200 (and counting!) stories from women, LGBTQ+ people, and cis hetero men. I still work one-on-one with writers to help them shape their stories. I seek to publish stories that show a new side of sex and intimacy, by voices that aren’t always represented in the mainstream. I would love to have you join the community of writers and readers.



The workshop will populate in your AURORE member menu as four sessions with workbooks + recordings and assignments/links.


ever you want! This is a digital, self-paced course so you can find the time that works for you.


This writing workshop is designed to help you tap into your inner sex god/dessxx through a mix of self-reflection, memory & fantasy, and contemplative exercises. Write, breathe, read, and repeat!

AURORE is a space for real sex stories. We believe erotica is overdue for a revamp, and want to create and consume literary porn that resonates. This workshop series is big on self-reflection. I think accessing emotion allows us to write in our truth when we write erotica.



✨“My Dom knows I'm doing this workshop and puts me in "writing time" for a couple hours afterward so I can continue to have quiet, sacred space for more writing.”

✨“I appreciated the prompts in this workshop. Made me realize that I can practice writing through short prompts, to get the muscle going - it doesn’t have to be ‘I’m writing my full short story / novel / essay right now.’”

✨“I am absolutely enthralled with the new found routine writing practice this workshops created for me. I've never written any sort of long form story and as sad as I am this workshop’s ending, I'm so excited to have it's spirit continue.”

✨“I feel an overall and new found confidence in my sexuality & I think my partners would agree it's shaping me into a better lover (this part I wasn't expecting but am pleasantly surprised by).”

✨“I have been able to open myself up to creativity in new and exciting ways! It has been amazing and so inspiring, releasing myself from pressure of being soooo new to writing has allowed me to show myself a lot of grace.”

✨“My intention was to connect more with my husband (and others) and I feel very much like that has happened.”

✨“The prompts forced me in the best way to write and reflect on my own relationship with my body.”

✨“I’ve been working through the deepest heartbreak of my life, and through it a second dark night of the soul, and really learning to love myself in so many new and deep ways. So painful, but admittedly needed. I know it’s not the end for us in this lifetime. This workshop has been so therapeutic for me.”


What if I’ve never written before?

This offering will accommodate writers of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

What if I’m not spicy/slutty?

Darling, slutty is a state of mind. Just be sex-positive (meaning non-judgmental and open)

Can I take this course if I’m a cis-het man?

Yes and I highly encourage it! This workshop course will gently guide you to get in touch with your feelings and desires.