To the Moon & Back

We lifted the fresh sheet above the bed and let the linen float evenly back down to the mattress. He tucked the corners on his side and I did my best to follow his precision. Before I could angle the duvet, he was re-folding my corners to better match his. 

He’d never done this before, but I’d always suspected that my folds hadn’t met his standards. 

The last of the day’s sun was slipping through the blinds and dappling the crisply made bed. It was so inviting, and I couldn’t help but pull him gently to sit with me. He lingered with his hand in mine and we looked at each other like we did some years ago, the first time we were ever in a bed together. I smiled meekly now, and couldn’t stop the wetness pooling in the corner of my eye from rolling down my cheek. He held his thumb to the tear and let it absorb into his skin. 

“Please fuck me, Daddy.” My plea was soft and quiet, but serious in all other respects. He paused, and my heart thudded at the thought that he might tell me no, an irrational fear that had always swept through me whenever I asked him this question. But he’d always said yes, and this time was no different.

He cupped my cheek gently and affirmed me once more before getting up to sort through our treasure chest in the closet, pulling from it his favorite harness with the soft leather. 

“Which cock, kitten?” I selected the purple one, the one that isn’t too big. I like this one when I want him to get very deep inside me, as deep as he can possibly go, and he knows I like this cock for this reason. 

He came back to the bed and I met him, helping to buckle the harness so it was snug but not too tight, his purple cock pushing out through the ring. 

“Make it wet, baby,” he murmured in my ear. 

I bent to put his cock in my mouth, my ass rising from the mattress to give him the view I knew he loved. His hand reached out and grabbed my soft skin, pulling it harder as I sucked him deeply in my throat. He grunted and smacked my ass, so I wiggled it a bit, my way of shaking my tail for him in a gleeful response. 

“Your cock is nice and wet now, Daddy,” I purred. He instinctively pulled my legs out from under me, flattening me on my back. He got on his knees, something he never did outside of our moments together, and he pulled my panties down slowly, slower than usual, breathing me in with a deep moan. 

I was so wet already hearing his noises; they were especially intense today. He growled low and rumbly in between my thighs, sending vibrations inside me so deep before his mouth even met my already swollen clit. He fingered me lightly, just at my entrance, and my body turned into fire in the way only he knew it could.  

“I can feel the heat coming from you,” he’d said to me that first night we were together. I was straddling him on my bed and we’d been making out heavily, like teenagers. “I can’t help it,” I’d said laughing. “I try to be chill, but I’m just kinda slutty.” He’d laughed back at me as he threw me down on the bed and fucked me into oblivion that night. 

And now today, he crawled on top of me and circled my shoulders in his arms, grasping my head with both hands. This got me right up close to him and ensured I couldn’t move too much. His face and body were pressed against mine, pinning me down further as he shoved his cock inside me hard, the way he knew I needed it. 

He pounded me so intensely that I almost lost my breath from under him. And just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he shot up, shifting his weight to his palms so he could loom over me and thrust that cock even deeper. His grunts were animalistic and focused on the intensity of his pace. 

And my moans helplessly reacted to the sheer force of him. My hands reached to his chest to grip his muscles, grazing the scars I’d helped him moisturize just hours before. I dug my nails into his skin and he grit his teeth, seething as he somehow found another inch to pound into me. 

“Please let me cum, Daddy” I begged. My orgasm swirled into a fever, on the verge of overstimulation. 

“Not yet,” he whispered gruffly. His hand circled my throat and his eyes bore into me. “Look at me first,” he commanded.

He knew eye contact was hard for me. When I really wanted to cum, my instinct was to close my eyes and bury deep into my own body, to focus on all of the physical sensations radiating throughout. But we’d been working on it, that intimacy that I learned to share with him in our most intense moments. I nodded under his grip around my throat and I met his ferocious eyes with my own.

“Cum for me, kitten. Don’t look away.” My body tensed intuitively around those words and nothing inside me wanted to look away. The sensations his cock was driving into me began to crest, and my mouth opened to make sounds that were too layered beneath me to materialize. 

Without warning, my body as a whole just let go. My pussy flooded in orgasm but so did my tears, and I was cumming and crying in one beautifully intense release. His eyes, locked into mine as everything came pouring out, also wetted as if he was overflowing too. And through that unlocked dam, we both cried into each other as we came. Every muscle between us released the years of tension and conflict we’d both been made to absorb. 

As I caught my breath and he collapsed next to me, I remembered our exchange from that very first night, after cumming equally as hard:

“Well, fuck me,” I’d exclaimed, nuzzling into his skin and gasping for air. “Where the fuck did you come from??”

He’d laughed through his own heavy breathing and calmly responded, almost zen-like, “From outer space.”

I’d giggled softly, holding him close as my mind settled on the reality that he and I were going to intertwine our lives, inevitably. 

“Okay,” I’d murmured. “Then take me to your planet.” And he’d immediately pressed into me with a deep, satisfying kiss.

Now, six years later, as we breathed our ragged recovery into each other so closely, running hands slowly around our sweat and juices and tears to ensure we absorbed every inch of each other, I profoundly understood the distance between our planets. 

“Here you go, kitten,” he said softly and finally. He handed me his cock and I dutifully held it close as I wobbled, still spent, to the bathroom sink. I soaped up with the special cleaner and rinsed his cock under the warm water, lovingly making sure to wash every curve. I dried his cock gently and again held it against my skin before returning it to our treasure chest. 

I turned, naked, and looked at him sitting on our bed, the harness still buckled around his waist. 

“Thank you, Daddy,” I whispered. 

“You’re welcome, kitten.”

Later that evening, I picked up my suitcase and meandered through our foyer. I placed the keys on the secretary and walked outside, for the last time, through his door. 

Photo by Maria Luiza Schultz